Everyone you meet on your way, good or bad mannered, asks for some love in any kind of way. I can see it in their eyes some days.
There are things you might want. Dirty ones. Stupid ones. Use tact. It iIs the best way not to be characterized as a total disgusting dickhead, asshole.
You might want to say sorry. Do it. If you see a door closing just before your eyes, don’t let your first thought be spent on receiving hate. It might have been love with an angry face. (?)
He might have changed a lot, came back , expecting things he lost to be found. Things changed, you changed. He might have found shit instead of nice words and hugs. But that was the best thing she could give him so he can heal his wounds. And she still could see his scared,sad puppy look after they said goodbye.
Life loved her and she loved life. She could always see good into bad and fulfill her heart with nice smells and senses. And sometimes she was a bitch. But she did both with passion, love and respect to herself and others. Cause that’s the meaning. That’s what she, and only her, thought Love is.